
Thank you so much for your interest in working at Bliss Spa & Wellness. If you are interested in any area of employment at Bliss, please feel free to drop off your resume at Bliss (located at 2569 Penrhyn Street in Cadboro Bay) or email it to our owner Nicole Philibert at

Why it’s so great to work at Bliss:

  • Staff summer bbq every year and a spa getaway for 3 days all paid for by the boss.
  • Professional-sized products are discounted greatly for you to enjoy.
  • After 1 year, enjoy medical and dental.
  • We try very hard to accommodate all holiday requests as the boss feels that time with friends and family is important.
  • Flexible hours and we are very accommodating to school or busy family schedules.
  • Pay above industry standards and regular increases with exceptional performance.
  • We can assist in additional training.
  • A great, fun, and loving team that enjoys each other’s company both at and outside of work!

Join our small business and you would be joining our family.

Job postings:

~We are currently looking for front desk staff & Laundry attendants ~ to start in September(when university starts) and work thru the school year around your school schedule! Please apply via email to attention Nicole

~Are you currently in the school for a wellness career. Want to help on the front desk during the week while your in school? great opportunity the see and learn what it may look like for when your done. Reach out to us we would love to hear from you.

~If you are someone who really wants to be a part of our Bliss Spa & Wellness team and provide a wellness service you think our clients will love please send us an email.

Apply via email to or bring in your resume to 2569 Penrhyn Street.

Watch our fun Video!